Sonichu VS Ebony [YAVSB]

For as long as humans have been sharing stories, they have been iterating on those first told by others. Most fanfiction beamed out into the endless stream of words and noise we call the Internet is only ever found by a tiny amount of people. These two iconic fan creations were lucky enough to be discovered by a much wider audience, and have transcended their humble origins to become the stuff of online legends… for all the wrong reasons. Which dead meme will end up even deader?

Typhon VS Surtr [YAVSB]

In the annals of ancient mythology, there are some threats so powerful that they can bring even the immortal gods to their knees. With cataclysmic elemental forces at their command, these two giants were able to challenge entire pantheons. As the personifications of destructive forces, Typhon and Surtr are unparalleled in their respective domains… but if pitted against each other, who would win and who would fall?

Zeus VS Odin [YAVSB]

Even among the immortals, there are those who tower above the rest at the very peak of the pantheon. These two embodiments of divine might are quite literally the stuff of legends. Holding nothing back in a battle for the ages, which of these gods among gods would go down as the winner in the epics of history?